Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Last Minute Hair Tie Gifts

Hi Everyone!
Today I'm here to share the CUTEST and easiest last minute diy gift ideas.
A girl in my hall, Megan, showed me how to make hair ties out of fold over elastic (FOE).
Today, my roommate Kat, neighbor Nikki, and I took a study break from finals to make these adorable hair ties. (A huge thanks to Kat for being my hand model!)

To start, you need to purchase fold over elastic. You can do so by going to etsy.com and typing in "fold over elastic" into the search bar. It is so cheap and you can buy them by the yard for just a few dollars each. There are also tons of different styles and prints that can be found on etsy. 
My favorite shops to purchase from are PinkSunshineSupplies and Itsbranna.  
PinkSunshineSupplies had an elk print that I loved and Itsbranna specializes in Lilly Pulitzer elastic. 
But like I said, there are so many shops that sell different kinds so I would recommend just shopping around until you find a store that you like. 

Once you have your elastic, here are the steps to follow:

1) Gather supplies. You will need: a ruler or notebook, scissors, your fold over elastic, and a lighter. 

2) Cut your elastic to your desired length. I found that around 10-11 inches works best and I measured using the side of a notebook. 

3) Tie your  elastic into a knot. Line the edges up with the print facing outwards and hold the two edges together and form the knot. Once the knot is formed, pull on both sides of the elastic to make sure the knot is tight.

4) Keep the ends from fraying by holding them by a lighter. It's important to hold them close enough to the flame but not in the flame since it will burn easily. 

5) Extra step: We decided to put our room keys on our elastic so that we could always have our key on our wrist. It's an easy way to keep your key with you at all times! We added the key once we completed all of these steps by feeding the elastic through the hole in our key and making a knot. 

This is a super easy, fast, and cute DIY project and makes adorable gifts for best friends, roommates, sisters, cousins, and anyone else that you need gifts for!
It takes under 5 minutes and I recommenced everyone should make these! They're the perfect accessory for any outfit and makes for some great wrist candy.

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